Naturopathic Microscopy Live/Dry Blood Analysis - Oxidative Stress Test
Some of the features that can be observed from one drop of blood

Cellular Function
WHY IS BLOOD IMPORTANT? The blood is viewed as the "river of life". Blood carries oxygen, water and nutrients to every cell in the body as well as remove waste. Our organs such as the liver, kidneys , pancreas and systems, depend on red blood cells to function. Conditions that are observed have an effect on all the organs and tissues leading to malfunction and imbalance.
Cellular communication from inside and outside the cell is so important for our body's processes such as metabolism and detoxification.
If the structure , fluidity and flexibility of the red blood cells are anything but perfect the ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients is compromised leading to OXIDATIVE STRESS. Oxidative stress occurs from toxic overload, infections, allergens, stress and poor food choices. This results in damage and compromised energy at the cellular level as well as low energy production and a sense of feeling unwell.
Healthy cells live in a healthy environment called the "terrain". The state of the terrain is crucial for cellular integrity and a reflection of one's health. If an imbalance is present it affects oxygen, the environment and ones energy levels.